Hello Everyone!
I hope you all had a love able Valentines day and a great weekend! I went out with two friends who traveled down to London this weekend to see me, and a few friends gave me some chocolates, sweets, pink roses, and some of my favorite collectibles (cute stickers and photobooks) so I was overwhelmed with happiness and felt very loved on Valentines day even without a true Valentines ^^
Meet Shimazaki Haruka (Paruru), one of my fashion inspirations and general role models. Isn't she the cutest? A lot of my fashion inspo comes from her style, so you should check out her instagram!
Sunday night, I decided to go online window shopping ^^;
I looked around Topshop and saw a bunch of cute things that I would love to buy but can't afford so while I was adding all of these items to my basket in the hopes of someone paying for £300 worth of clothing and luxuries, I thought about making a wishlist post to share all of the items I hope to find sitting in my room when I wake up, so here it is! I hope you find something that you like too!

I hope you liked the piece I added to my cart! As you can see, the clothing I like to wear is usually very dark, whereas my indoor clothing, underwear, and makeup is quite bright!
Luckily for me, I have Half Term meaning that I get a whole weeks worth of doing a ton of revision blogging and playing games and going out with friends! If I find the time, I might go out to pick up one of the items on this list ^.^

Which Item did you like the most?
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