Hi everyone, I hope you're all enjoying your week!
If you follow my twitter, you would know that I'm still recovering from my surgeries, which means that I've pretty much been sitting around all week trying to heal quickly under my doctors orders lol. It's giving me time to watch lots of anime and netflix, read a book or listen to music while trying to not move much haha!
One of the things that I've been doing is searching up on a lot of new artists on Soundcloud! I don't really have a certain taste in music, one day I could be listening to SHINee, the next day I'll be listening to Nicki Minaj or Morning Musume! What I love to see the most is artists who create mixtapes on soundcloud remixing their own songs or other artists, so today I'm going to be showing you all a few of the tracks that I've been loving lately!

Super G@mer Boy by Conte De Fees HiLi
First up on this list is a track that was originally a Vocaloid song! I admit, I'm a Vocaloid fan and I have been for years lmao, I just love the sound of them all. This is sung by Hatsune Miku (of course). I just love this song, it reminds me of Akihabara when I listen to it lmao. I can see myself waking around Akiba while this song plays in the background lol! It's a really cute song~

gaia [ft. misogi] by inbirth
This song is amazing lmao!! It's not really a song, it's just a mixtape really? It's basically a really cool track that has the voices of characters from games like Final Fantasy and Street Fighter saying their catchphrases throughout the track. Honestly, this song changed my life no lie! It's actually the song I like to listen to when I'm writing these blog posts! It's just really relaxing for me! It's just a really amazing track, one of my favorites on SC, I definitely recommend! <3

Overnight Legendary Otaku by iamstrangehead
I actually found out about this song through the youtuber Clothesencounters (aka imjennim on IG), via one of her videos as background music, and honestly this song is absolutely hilarious omg!! The song itself is amazingly composed, but damn these lyrics!! Once I heard the lyrics I knew this song was a winner. I actually really love all of strangehead's tracks, so you should check of their channel!

Nobuo Uematsu - Fanfare ( OriJanus Remix ) by Evil_Needle
Alright this track is dope af. I don't even care if you don't like Final Fantasy 7, just agree with me on this one alright? It's awesome. Listen to that beat, that bass, the synthesizers! Everything just sounds so great like hot damn! Honestly, this is probably one of my favorite FF mixtapes on Soundcloud.

This song is so nice?! I think it's a ongoing trend for me to like songs that start off with a slow beat which then bring in other instruments and overlapping each other as the track goes on. This particular one reminds me of a track I made when I used to do music in secondary school (high school). It just sounds really awesome and chilled out. This is one of the songs I put on loop on sundays to relax too.

Friendly Sneakrz - I Will... by MAGIC YUME
OMG this song is literally FIRE! I absolutely adore Magic Yume's tracks, so when I saw this one I was like "OMGG THIS IS AMAZING" lmao. It just sounds so cool and fresh and it has everything I could want in a song like this lol. The only thing I would wish for this song, is for it to be longer lmao I seriously recommend listening to this track, it's just so cool!

とらドラ - オレンジ (Δ Remix) by NENAIKO DAREDA
Now this track is just adorable. The beginning sounded like an anime ost which drew me to listening to this track. It wasn't what I thought it was, but I ended up loving it anyway! I really dig the beat of this song, the loops and keyboards effects are just crazy cool! I think this is a mix of an original song by an Idol group but I can't tell from just the description lmao. Nevertheless, it's a really cool track~

A lonely fairy(ひとりぼっちの妖精-キミ-)by Conte De Fees HiLi
This instrumental has to be the cutest thing i've ever heard. It sounds like it came straight out of a game like the Atelier franchise or Animal Crossing, so of course i jumped on this track lol. It sounds like I'm going on an adventure to some magical place with lots of pink castles and rainbows and unicorns and talking bears and bunnies and fairies and magical girls and jheeze this song is just amazing okay?!

And that's it! I hope you enjoyed listening to these tracks! There are actually a ton more that i wanted to show you all, so if you would like to see the other songs that I like to listen too, click here!
Which song did you enjoy the most?
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