Hello everyone! It's been a while haha~

just one more week!! I say as I prepare for what will be my final week as a college student. Hopefully, this time next week I can say that I've passed my course and can continue onto uni. This week, I'll be busy with completing my final project, so I've taken the week off from work to make sure everything is done in time. It's a good thing on both sides, i think. Having the week off from wok allows me to focus 100% on college, and after this week, I will have finished college and will be able to put more hours in at work feeling more refreshed. Looking after my health is still my priority, so I need to make sure i'm not stressing out over unnecessary things lol.
To be honest with you guys, life hasn't been very exciting the last couple months lol. It's just work, school, sleep, repeat. Oh, I did get myself a very nice looking laptop! It's the Asus Zenbook UX530 model. I love it to bits and the specs are great! Having trouble with the touchpad though since it's so sensitive, but hopefully i'll get used to it. Anyway, I'm going to post a few photo's from my snapchat and update you all on what's gone on in my life ^^
1. As the caption says, my sleeping schedule hasn't been the best... That photo was taken just before I went to bed...after 8am.. I know, it's absolutely horrible lol. But it's gotten a lot better since then. The time as i'm writing this post is 2:14am, and i'm pretty sure that the moment I hit publish, i'm going to head straight to sleep lol.
2. I chose London College of Fashion as my firm choice for uni! It's a part of UAL, a university I've dreamed of going to for years! Hopefully, I'll be able to officially say "i am a UAL student" within the next few weeks!!
3. I went to Japan Center on one of my days off and picked up some things! The bread is called Melon pan, one of my favorite kinds of bread, if you haven't tried it, please do! The magazine is called Zipper! It had Nogizaka46 of the cover so I had to buy it lol. The makeup looks in this mag are soo adorable! The book "Awkward Silence" isn't for me but for my friend. I've already read the manga and I loved it. I recommend it to my friend and she wont stop talking about it, so I bought her a copy of her own~. We're gonna be filthy BL buddies now hahahaha!
4. I made a new tumblr blog! It's been a while since I've actively used tumblr, but I wanted to make a blog that could help me with art inspiration, something that my other tumblrs don't do for me. I love how aesthetically pleasing it is to look at. I only reblog things that inspire my current or future projects, but if you want to have a look or follow it, the tumblr is here!
5. I went to see my favorite Korean artist (not kpop), Dean! I can't even describe how much I love this guy. I completely fell in love with him in the winter of 2016, and even more so when he appeared during Crush's concert, so seeing him perform live in London was just... unreal. If you need some music recommendations, please check out Dean's discography! My favorite song is Half Moon.
6. My parents went out for the night, so me and my sister had a movie night! We watched Captain America: Civil War (which made me dislike Capt even more than I did before welp), Doctor Strange (a great MCU film that's underrated, i recommend!), and Logan (GREAT FILM, RIP X-MEN). After watching all of that, we played overwatch and animal crossing before heading to bed. ^^;
7. BULLET JOURNALLING! I've been using my bullet journal since 2015? I love it so much, It's a way for me to keep organized, motivated, and on track of everything while at the same time being very therapeutic? I like sitting down with a hot cup of green tea, some chilled out music, and doodling away on the weekly spreads. I like to get a little more crafty with my monthly spreads though, this one was from April!
8. My cat Tabitha on her 9th birthday. We threw a mini party for her and she was happy the entire day! After a big feast and lots of presents and treats, she was out for the count lol.
9. bath time. I did say that my sleeping schedule was fucked up lmao. I cant remember what the name of this bath bomb was, I think it was intergalactic? Either that or Northern Lights. But it was amazing and it smelt amazing, and my skin felt so so good. I love you lush.

Well, that's all from me today, I hope you enjoyed this post! I have a few things I want to talk about so once I've finished with college, i'll be a little more active! Until then,
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