hello guys!
it's been a while since i've done a 'minae's life' post so i figured i'd do one here just to update you all on what i've been up to? i've kinda changed the title of 'minae's life' to simply 'life lately' since it fits better i think. since summer is finally here, i wanted to do a little recap on spring! I surprisingly got up to a lot this year!Before the Easter break, my boyfriend and I booked a weekend off to go on our first baecation haha! We went to Paris! We spent one of the days in Disneyland and saw the Disney Illuminations show and it was the most magical experience! We took a romantic walk through the back alleys of paris all the way to the Arch de Triomphe and then rode scooters around the Eiffel Tower. In the evening we had the best Japanese food i've had in a while, along with some wine. Paris is the city of love right? So as a hopeless romantic, I was happy to spend our first trip together there.
Right after the trip, my boyfriend surprised me with tickets to see Aladdin in theater! To be honest, I was feeling really unsure about it since theater or live action versions of animated movies can either make or break them, but I was pleasantly surprised throughout the whole show! The genie was hilarious and really made the show. I loved the carpet scene, it was so romantic and looked like the carpet was actually flying lol! I'm even more excited to see the live action version of Aladdin in cinemas now.
Spring was a great time for movies and tv shows as well! I caught up with the last couple seasons of Game Of Thrones in time to watch the season finale, and while it did leave me feeling disappointed, I was happy to finally know who 'took the throne' lol. I think we can all agree that, had the character development and story line been explored further in season 7, or had they given season 8 an extra 4 episodes, we could accept the plot twists that happened in the series, but alas..
I also watched Avengers: End Game and BOY did I shed the most tears in the house lol! I already knew what was going to happen but when it did oh man, I really couldn't hold them back anymore, sobbed like a baby haha. But the movie overall was the best Superhero film I've ever seen, and It was so surreal seeing 10 years of MCU come together like that. I've been a comic book fan since I was a little kid, and I can't thank the MCU enough for literally bringing these characters to life, it was such a fun ride and I know it's only going to get better from here, there's so much more to explore!
The first thing I did after finishing uni for the year? Go to expo of course! The London MCM Expo was on and I went on the friday with my sister! It was our 10th year anniversary of going there and It felt very weird? I remember our first trip there, with me wearing my vampire knight cosplay from tokyo toys and being so excited whenever a Sora cosplayer walked by LOL. 10 years on, everything is still the same, but there's so much more people and the cosplay's have gotten even better! Although I don't cosplay anymore myself it's still fun to see everyone having fun in their costumes. I spent most of my time indoors this year as I picked up some cute figures, walked down the artists alleys and played some fun games! Friday is the most peaceful day of the weekend so if you're looking for a chilled out day, definitely do friday!
And that's all for my Spring 2019! I enjoyed it so much and I know the year is only going to get better as I have so much more planned for this summer all the way up to Christmas lol! Speaking of Christmas, I was unboxing stuff at work this week and we've already received the Christmas decorations for this year!! How crazy, it's only July but they've come in already lol but they look so adorable! I don't know when we'll be releasing them yet, but i'm excited to see them all in store!
I hope you guys enjoyed reading, it was a real lengthy one today haha.
Until next time,
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