Hello my fellow humans!
I've got a new update for you~
I've got a new update for you~
Due to the previous 4 months preparing for exams and taking each exam, I've had to cut off many hobbies to make time for more revision. This meant NO VIDEO GAMES, NO WATCHING ANIME OR K-DRAMA, NO CATCHING UP WITH IDOLS, NO DANCING- Until I've finished my exams.
Well, I did it. I put everything on hold and did my exams. It wasn't smooth sailing but I got there in the end.
Since then I've been catching up with everything, but I haven't gotten round to dancing yet.. there are many songs that I want to cover so here is a list of all the things that I will (hopefully) be covering during the summer!
Apink - Mr Chu
Apink has been crawling up my list of favorite girl groups (KPOP only, no one can beat Morning Musume haha) and no matter how much I hate to say it, I think SNSD has been defeated (after 4 years of them being my top girl group). Apink have been impressing me with everything they do and this comeback just pulled them to the top of the list for me! This choreography is so amazingly cute with hints of sexiness too which i love ;)
F(x) - Red Light
I really think SM should change f(x)'s name to f(SLAY) because damn this comeback was everything I wanted it to be and more. The choreo makes the MV look so chic and effortless but when performed live it's just amazing. The moment I saw the dance I was like "I have to cover this!", and i shall!
Hyori - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Okay this is a song that I didn't particularly want to dance to because Lee Hyori performs this in such a powerful way and I didn't want to look like a pleb when covering it haha. I got inspired to cover it again after watching Chris Koo's cover (you should check him out if you haven't already, he's awesome!) and needless to say, I've been itching to cover this!
Morning Musume - Egao no kimi wa taiyou sa
This song is so cute and happy and seeing the girls perform this made me want to cover this too, naturally (as I am, an Idol myself haha). The dance is a lot less complex compared to Password is 0 or Ai no Gundan but it's still one of my favorite MM'13/14 dances. I love the choreography of the chorus and the dance break the most.
This song is so cute and happy and seeing the girls perform this made me want to cover this too, naturally (as I am, an Idol myself haha). The dance is a lot less complex compared to Password is 0 or Ai no Gundan but it's still one of my favorite MM'13/14 dances. I love the choreography of the chorus and the dance break the most.
NMB48 - Seishun no Lap Time
I was going to choose Koisuru Fortune Cookie but I feel like that one is so overdone and there are so many cover's of it online that the desire to cover it has depleted lol. This song however is one of my favorite 48 girls song. It's super cute and has a lot more complexity in the choreography.
I was going to choose Koisuru Fortune Cookie but I feel like that one is so overdone and there are so many cover's of it online that the desire to cover it has depleted lol. This song however is one of my favorite 48 girls song. It's super cute and has a lot more complexity in the choreography.
BoA - Masayume Chasing
Okay I don't really know how I'm going to be able to make a cover of this song because I haven't even seen the choreography to the verses yet. The MV only shows the dance to the chorus haha. Despite that, this song screams summer fun and dancing because you want to, so I'm really excited to dance to this (plus, FAIRY TAIL WHOOP)
Okay I don't really know how I'm going to be able to make a cover of this song because I haven't even seen the choreography to the verses yet. The MV only shows the dance to the chorus haha. Despite that, this song screams summer fun and dancing because you want to, so I'm really excited to dance to this (plus, FAIRY TAIL WHOOP)
Strobo Night
I've seen so many covers of this song for at least 4 years now and I just really really really want to dance to this eventually, so I'm going to make it my mission to dance to this song and upload it to my Youtube account before the end of the year!
I've seen so many covers of this song for at least 4 years now and I just really really really want to dance to this eventually, so I'm going to make it my mission to dance to this song and upload it to my Youtube account before the end of the year!
Renai Circulation
Like Strobo Night, I've always wanted to learn this dance but never got round to learning it so I'm going to try my best to learn this one too, although this is a lot more easier than Strobo Nights..or any of the songs above tbh, so I might so this one first?
~Songs that I know but have yet to record~
SHINee - Lucifer == T-ara - Roly Poly == Infinite - She's back == Morning Musume - Only You == Love & Joy
And that's it!
Let's hope I get to do at least 4 of these songs during this summer. I do however want to get as much of these done as possible because I know that there are going to be some amazing summer songs coming out this month and in August that will have awesome dances that I'll be itching to dance too.
That's all for now, until this point here, its been,

Let's hope I get to do at least 4 of these songs during this summer. I do however want to get as much of these done as possible because I know that there are going to be some amazing summer songs coming out this month and in August that will have awesome dances that I'll be itching to dance too.
That's all for now, until this point here, its been,

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