Hey Everyone! It's been a while hasn't it?
I'm going to talk about my super ultra awesome day at Hyper Japan 2014!
So what is Hyper Japan? Hyper Japan is, in short, a Japanese cultural festival. It's got every thing about japan that you can imagine. Hyper Japan unites people from all over the UK and overseas to celebrate Japanese culture, including Japanese History, Gaming, Fashion, Music, Food, Anime, the list goes on! I for one go for all aspects of the event, so I get to enjoy the festival a lot!
Last weekend marked the second time I've attended the event, so I was a lot more prepared for everything than I was last year. I went on the Friday and second session of the Saturday, along with the Saturday After party!
Here are a few photo's of the event! *I don't have any photo's of the event itself because I focused more on saving my camera for the people I wanted to take photo's of xD
The store Artbox had some super cute stationary! It was so hard to resist buying from them~
This cute little plant caught my eye the most out of all of the plants there. It's like a miniature tree! I wanted to buy it but I didn't have enough money for it (it was £55, mind you) and I wouldn't have been able to carry it home (the bottom was really heavy!)
I awkwardly asked Broken Dollz for a photo! They were so cool about it and complimented me on my Cosplay ~
One of my favorite parts of the day was being able to see Ayumi Seto!!!
She's one of my fashion inspirations so being able to see her face to face was just amazing!, I stood right at the front so I was able to get her attention and she waved at me! /dies/
A few other models from Moshi Moshi Nippon's fashion walk~
Another girl from Moshi Moshi Nippon I got to see was Yun*Chi! She's a super kawaii artist who is most known for being the "second Kyary" due to being under the same company as her. I was luckily able to meet her at the MMN stall and had a awkward yet amazing conversation with her that went a little like this!
Me = Pink / Yunchi = Orange
*Looks at me* Hi there (in the cutest english ever)
This is where my horrible Japanese comes into the conversation. I'll translate.
I, erhh saw you before, last years Hyper Japan. Really awesome!
Really?! Thank you so much.
Will you perform Starlight (her most recent single) today?
Please sing! Do your best, goodbye~
Ahh, Thank you, bye bye! (in english)
I was in too much shock so I'm honestly surprised I even got to say anything to her haha! She's literally the cutest girl in the world with the most amazing music so If you haven't heard of her, please check her out!
Here are a few photo's I got of her while she was performing!
I also got to see YANAKIKU performing live for the second time!
There performance ended 10 minutes after the closing time of the event, so they scurried everyone out the moment they left the stage, which marked the end of a great weekend xD
And, here are all the things I bought!
The first book is a art illustration by Raynart (check out his deviantART!!) titled Astral Break. I haven't gotten round to reading it yet but from the first few pages I've seen it looks pretty good! I'll keep you all updated on that one~
The second book is a manga called Negiho Ito Mahora Little Girls. I don't know why I got this exatly, but the blurb made it sound interesting haha~ It seems to be a humorous slice of life manga which I enjoy reading a lot so hopefully I will like this one ^^;
I finally bought myself some Air drying clay! I've been wanting to make things for a while now and the last time I made anything with polymer or airdrying clay was 3 years ago! I still have my crafts for it so I can't wait to get back to it~
The plushie is non other than my all time favorite New Gen Pokemon, Sylveon! She's literally the cutest pokemon I've ever trained with and the connection I have with my Sylveon is too sweet so I couldn't resist getting a plushie version xD I now have another pokemon to keep my Pikachu company!
Some ultra cute japanese sweets I got at various food stalls~
The first one is a Kracie Popin' Cookin' DIY candy paste kit in the flavor grape! I've seen people raving about this kit for a while now, so I finally caved in and got it, I wonder how it tastes...
The second one is my favorite, HELLO PANDA! This is something I always have to get while I'm taking a trip to China Town or my local Japanese store. It's what I live on really xD
The last one is Kit Kat in the flavour Wa Ichigo (Strawberry). Again, its something that I always see bloggers and friends rave about but I've been too chicken to try it out (I stick to the original Kit Kat xD) So hopefully they taste delicious ~
The game I've been wanting since I saw a gif of Levi and Erwin singing together on tumblr,
The best thing about this purchase was that, If you went up to the nintendo booth and showed them your 3DS/2DS, they would cut the original price of the game in half! Yes, that means I got this game for about £16!!! i'm super chuffed with this purchase and can't wait to play it (let's hope I don't neglect Pokemon X and ACNL)
Some other cute purchases. Some stickers to add to my never ending collection, a tofu cute membership card, and free tissues from the very kind man at the food stalls ^^
Last but not least, my favorite purchase of the weekend, I GOT A SUPER SONICO FIGURINE!
I've been wanting a bunch of them for a good year now but I've never been able to buy them because when I wanted to buy them, they were too expensive but when I save up for them, they were sold out! Finally though, I was able to get this for only £18! that's about a third less than what they usually cost, so I'm super pleased with this ^_^
And that's it!
I hope you enjoyed my little update!
If you attended the event, comment below on what your favorite part of the event was!
If you attended the event, comment below on what your favorite part of the event was!
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