Hi everyone!!
It's been an extremely busy week for me, since I "officially" started college a week ago my schedule and time keeping has gone off the rails. I've had little to no time to make a blog post and I didn't really feel like making a half-assed post that had no thought or effort put into it just to keep my blog going lol.


You guys don't even understand how freaking excited I am for autumn to finally kick in. To be honest, since it's really cold in the UK most of the time, I feel like Autumn already came for us a good 2 weeks ago, but now that it's official I can actually make lame jokes about the weather!!
There are so many things I want to do during autumn and I've got some major, some not so major goals for the upcoming months. I enjoy making seasonal goals for myself instead of monthly goals since I give myself a realistic time to get them done haha. So without further ado, here are my goals for Autumn 2015

Learn my theory
First one on the list is to Learn my Theory! My beautiful friend Irina recently passed her driving test this week after learning how to drive during the summer and I couldn't be more proud of her! I've now been inspired to actually start learning my theory and stop putting it off. Although I don't want a car until I'm in my 20's, I still want to learn how to drive before I'm 18 for those "just in case" situations haha. My motivation for this couldn't be higher!
Read at least 5 books
I was horrible this summer and only read magazines! I didn't touch one book and if I did, It was because I had to. It's pretty horrible to be honest, I can't call myself a book lover or an English Literature student if I don't even read right?! I'm currently reading Haruki Murakami's After Dark as well as a few different books for my Eng Lit class so I'm off to a good start!
One orange a day
This autumn has kicked off with a bang and once again, I was able to catch a cold on the first day! I've had a sore throat since sunday so I saw it coming lol. I know that I'm lacking in all the nutrients oranges give you which is partly the reason why I'm constantly ill during autumn. I gotta stay on these oranges to keep the cold from getting worse haha 

Don't let illness affect education
This one ties in with the last one. So many times, I would skip a lesson or a whole day of classes because I was just too ill to get out of bed and drag myself to school. My percentage was very low by the end of autumn of last year and I sure as hell don't want a repeat of it. I've gotta keep myself as healthy as I can possibly be so that my attendance doesn't falter and affect my education.

Sell unwanted stuff
I've literally got a huge pile of unwanted games, books, sealed makeup, toys, bags and clothes that I just don't want, I've even got a few computers and laptops that I've been meaning to get rid of but have "never found the time to put them on ebay". I need to take photo's of all the things I'm selling and get them out of my room asap!
Watch a Kdrama
You all already know that my love for kdrama has been deteriorating so far this year. Nothing seems to be catching my eye quite like the years before have. Nothing beats Mary Stayed Out all Night, City Hunter, Secret Garden, 49 Days, and all the other drama's pre-2013. The only drama that has come close to that for me has been You Who Came From The Stars which I rated 8.9/10 lol. Autumn usually brings out the best in kdrama's so I'm looking forward to the new ones to come!
Have a general sleeping routine
My sleeping schedule left with Summer, apparently. The biggest struggle for me these last two weeks has been trying to wake up at 6am for my 8:30am lesson after weeks of going to sleep at 6am and waking up at 1pm during the summer! Apart from my Wednesday timetable, all my other classes for those weeks requires me to wake up early, which is why I've set up 32 alarms for the week!
Paint my room
A few years ago I painted my room white, but for some odd reason I didn't paint one of the walls which meant that I had 3 white walls and one purple one. The problem is that purple doesn't go with the theme of my room at all, but i've been too lazy to paint it for the last two years! Enough's enough, and I'm going to ABSOLUTELY get that wall painted before Autumn ends! 

Exercise once a week
I think I do pretty well with my diet. I keep within my daily intake and I only eat junk food on occasions. I'm not overweight or underweight. The only problem is that I don't exercise which means my body is quiet weak (so weak that I can't open a bottle of water!) I need to build up my muscle again so that I can become macho man regain my lost strength~
Make sure I don't fall behind in school work
Although the semester just started, this is essentially the make or break time of the year. Based on all the work I produce during this term I'll be given a predicted grade from my teachers to use for uni applications. Simply put, if I slack off now, it's going to be a lot harder to convince teachers that I won't slack off during exam season.
Get my christmas gifts ready BEFORE the 20th December
This is almost as bad as me buying my school suppplies last minute. I seem to always be picking up the last few bits and bobs for christmas on the 24th of december! WHO DOES THAT?! Apparently a lot of people, mostly stressed out dads/husbands. I vowed last year that I would never ever go through that experience again, so this is me making a note of it here. When december comes closer please remind me to get all my presents done, I might be sending some out to you /hint hint giveaway!/
Make Breakfast every day
I've got no excuse to not have breakfast everyday now. I love hot cereal and porridge during the winter, and I love baking, so I should always have something for me to eat in the mornings. I've got a whole pinterest board dedicated to it now lol

Cook at least twice a week
This ties in with the breakfast one, but I want to cook at least twice a week. My mum tends to work later in autumn because for her job gets busy around this time with her doing her lawyer duties, so she gets home around 7-9pm and barely has time to cook (but still does because shes amazing), because she's so tired. I want to lift that burden off her a little and cook whenever I can. I actually cooked today! I made a spag bowl lol.
Get good grade for my first semester assessments
Similar to my other education posts, I want to get amazing assessment grades for this first semester! Getting good grades in the first assessments let's me know I'm on track to good grades, and it allows me to go into more detail in my course, something they don't usually provide students who get lower grades with.
Get a temporary seasonal job!
I'm still on the hunt! I wont lie though, since college has started I've been getting back into the swing of things so I toned down the job hunting a little, but I'm still very keen to get a seasonal job for that extra cash, as well as to give myself a sense of responsibility lol. I'll let you all know how my job hunting goes soon enough!
Pamper myself well!
I've been slacking in pampering myself so I've got lots of pent up tension inside of me. I want to get back to my usual "Sunday Pamper Sessions" routine and relax my body and mind!

And that's all! I do apologize for missing my Thursday and Sunday post times but I hope you enjoyed this one! Hopefully I will be doing a 'Winter Goals for 2015/16' when the time comes, and I'll use that post to review my autumn goals too! If you want to know whether I'll be posting on the weekends or Tuesday and Thursday follow me on twitter to get real time updates on my whereabouts (signing up gives you free access to my rants, fan-girling sessions and deep emotional talks with my friends about whether you put the cereal or the milk into the bowl first). Thanks for reading!
Do you have a Autumn Goal for 2015?
Let me know down in the comments section below, and follow me to keep updated on this more blog tips!

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