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song's i've been loving lately: feb 19

hey guys!
How have you all been? I hope the start of the year has been treating you well! I've been having a great year so far :)
I feel like my life has taken a 180 and i've gotten right back on track of things which i'm really pleased about. I hope this steady improvement keeps moving forward this year! 

Before I begin, how do you like the new layout? I finally changed it lolol. The last theme, and all my previous blog posts felt like 17 year old minae (because it was lol). I think this clean theme suit's me more, and as time goes on I want to fill this blog with posts that represent who I am now. I also changed my blog name! Since Google+ is closing and there is going to be a lot of changes on the platform, I just decided to start from scratch and change my username. I mean, the comments from previous posts have been wiped, the G+ follow widget will disappear, and I've been wanting to change my user for a while now so here we are!! Minaekei has officially changed to Minaeshi! I now use minaeshi for literally all my online accounts. My PSN is now the only SNS/tag called minaekei. Now, let's move on lol 
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Today I want to talk about song's I've really been loving lately! I've been replaying a lot of songs this month, some new and some 'old', and I wanted to share it with you guys, so let's get right to it! 

Seventeen - Home
Seventeen always manages to blow me away with their comebacks. I've been listening to this song on repeat on the way to work or uni and it just puts me in such a good mood! They have such a unique style of music that just chills me out yet fills me with lots of emotion? It's hard to explain lol, but I love this song sooo much. With Onew and Key soon heading into the army, only Minho and Taemin will be 'active' so SHINee is gonna be on a short break for a while. Seventeen has kept my love for kpop boy groups afloat for a while now, so I'm gonna support them with all my might this year!

Taemin - Want
TAEMIN! Holy shit lol. My little taemint really became a man and destroyed my soul haha. I really love the image he has developed for himself. He's still our lovable clumsy taeminnie but he's also our lord and savoir leading us to the gates of hell and I am here for it! This song really makes you wanna move your body, I look like Tina from bobs burgers when I'm dancing to this lol but I don't even care, just gotta vibe lmaooo. His whole mini album is really amazing so please give it a listen if you haven't already! 

Tsubaki Factory - Fuwari, Koi Tokei
Ahhhhhh my girls! They really know how to kill me with their winter ballads. This song is so beautiful!! They all look so stunning and ugh I just love this whole aesthetic they have so much! I think this might be my favorite A-side from the group now, its just so perfect! Tsubaki have the ability to become a very popular idol group if given the opportunity, so I really hope Hello!Project continue to promote them as they have been for the past year. 

Oh My Girl - Remember Me
I've literally been listening to this for the last two months lmao. I really really love oh my girl and this is my favorite comeback from them since closer! I really love seeing girl groups with a cute concept try out different styles while still having their own flair in their comeback, and oh my girl does it so well. YooA is truly a goddess and my love for her sky rocketed this comeback lol. I don't think this group gets enough credit, so please support them! 

Sekai no Owari - Stargazer
I have been playing this song on repeat all day, all night, since it's release and I'm not gonna stop any time soon lol. I don't know what it is about it but I just love the future sound? The lack of lyrics allows for me to just vibe to the song itself and the composition is really fucking great. The aesthetic of this music video is literally everything I love in life and I just can't stop screaming about it???? It's perfect! And Techi from Keyakizaka stars in the video! It was such a surprise seeing her name on the video, but i'm so proud of her. She performed so well! Speaking of Keyaki... 

Keyakizaka46 - Kuroi Hitsuji
So.. Keyakizaka46 really came and told the music industry that they are the leaders of the game. This song is just.. wow. The music video is amazing. The acting is on point. Everything about this comeback is just.. so so great! The song and video are quite deep but I love how the group tackles the social issues in japan with such raw emotion, it really makes me feel with the group. I really hope that this song will save someone like it did for me. Techi (the main girl in the video) performed so amazingly that I really cried for her lol.. She's such a great center. 
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I hope you discovered a new song to replay for the next few weeks lol. Everyone except from Oh My Girl released their songs recently and have been or will be promoting their new released very soon so please support all of them. I stan literally everyone on this list so I admit I'm a little biased but I love them all haha so it's whatever ^^ 



  1. So cute! I just found your blog on bloglovin! I love ur music taste hehe thanks for sharing!

  2. I love that the blog has a fresh new feel.


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