Hi little peanuts~
Firstly, I would just like to apologise for not being on here much.
Last week I had a pretty serious asthma attack which made me unable to do much
And before that I had exam revision to prepare for
I won't go into much detail, but I'm feeling better now~
I received interviews for the colleges and sixth forms I applied to.
I'm really excited ^.^
I applied to be on my schools Prom committee today, so let's hope I get picked xD
AAA (aka, one of my favorite Japanese groups) will be releasing their 40th single soon! It's revealed to be a dance track and is expected to be released on the 26th March!
The regular edition includes clips from their 8th Anniversary, while the Limited edition comes with the PV and making of Showtime along with the 2014 New Year Party 36 Page booklet.

Tracks include:
Regular Edition (1 DISC) :
03 Think about AAA 8th Anniversary ~season 33~
04 Think about AAA 8th Anniversary ~season 34~
Limited Edition (CD + DVD) :
03 SHOW TIME (Instrumental)
04 CIRCLE (Instrumental)
05 SHOW TIME (Music Clip)
06 SHOW TIME (Music Clip Making)
This single release seems to be keeping tradition with "Still Love You" and "Party it Up", with is being an upbeat A-side for the second release of the year. The outfits are amazingly flawless and they all look stunning. Misako looks gorgeous and Atae just looks... /squeals/
This is one single that I'm most excited about this month.
Next up is NMB48s 9th single titled "Takane no Ringo" and is set to be released on March 26th.
Senbatsu positions
Sayaka, Milky, Nana, Fuuchan, Shuu, Akarin, Miru, Keichi, Machun, Lemon, Nagisa, Ripopo, Airi, Yuipon, Saeppi, Uuka
Whatt?! the same day as AAA's single?! No way~
I was pretty peeved when I found out, I now have to fork out around £30 for both these singles
It seems to be a general idol-ish single with cute purple dresses, school uniforms, and hint of galaxies and apples. This will be the last NMB single before the new shuffle goes into affect.
The tracks includes
Takane no Ringo,
Ishuukan, Zenbu Getsuyoubi nara Iinoni..
Prom no Koibito (Type A)
Mizugire (Type B)
Yama e Ikou (Type C)
Kasa wa Iranai (Theater Edition)
Each type comes with different fan goods (PV makings, Dance versions, and Special movies) and all of them come with an Off Vocal Showtime and their B-Side.
Short PV for Takane no Ringo
That's all I have for now, I'm sorry it was so short, I've got to go to sleep xD
Please think about listening to AAA and NMB48 as they're both extremely amazing groups with lots of fun shows and personalities and concerts which are just too good to miss out on.
If you feel up for it, buy their album, get the tracks on itunes or just support them!
It would mean a lot to me simply because they're my two favorite groups (After Morning Musume 14 of course ^^; )
If you feel up for it, buy their album, get the tracks on itunes or just support them!
It would mean a lot to me simply because they're my two favorite groups (After Morning Musume 14 of course ^^; )
Until now it's been~
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