Happy new year guys!
I know we're already 10 days into the year, but better late than never right?
I'm going to jump straight into this one, so grab a snack and lets get to it!
2017 Recap!
Do-able Goals
❀ Reinvent myself. I think, despite some set backs with my anxiety, I achieved this goal. I'm definitely not the same person I was at the start of 2017. I'm more humble, less pessimistic, and a lot more adaptable. Rather than "changing" my style (I wanted to move away from black), I embraced and enhanced it, which made me a lot happier. My confidence fluctuated a lot but overall it was a lot better than in 2016.
❀ Read more. I read 7 books rather than 15, so I guess this is a fail lol. I was a lot more focused on tv series' and movies, which isn't a bad thing lol
❀ Learn to cook more. Completely failed lol. I learnt a lot of new recipes but It didn't increase the amount of time I actually cooked them ^^;
❀ Continue learning Japanese. Achieved! I got a tutor and she's helped me a lot in my progression. While self studying is fun, It doesn't allow you to have face-to-face conversations. Having that has helped me so much and I can confidently ask and respond to questions or talk about general things lol.
Bigger Goals
❀ Learn Theory. Failed. Not disappointed in the slightest though, since I was more focused on my education more than anything. While learning theory would be nice, it's currently not a necessity for me, being a student living in london, so I put it on hold for 2017.
❀ Pass Foundation Art and Design. Achieved! I'm so happy I passed this course as it allowed me to be accepted into my dream university, UAL. I'm currently in my 2nd term of Uni now and i'm having a blast!
❀ Save 3k. Sorta achieved? I saved £3,000 by october, but due to some personal issues was set back by 1k by the end of 2017. There's always next year!
❀ Go on Holiday. Achieved! I went to Italy! It was a week-long trip to Berlin and I had a great time. Next time I go to Italy I would love to go to Venice!
❀ Create my own business / content / set up online portfolio. Failed. Again, I was so focused on Uni I didn't get to create my "own" personal content and portfolio, but it's okay, there's always next year!
Blogging goals
❀ Post at least once a week. We all know I failed this one lol..
❀ Start mixing up my content more. While I barely posted, the things I did post where very varied, so I'm going to say yes? Haahaha.
❀ Increase my page views/follower. Failed, and for good reason. I realized that I didn't really care about how many people read my blog, but the quality of the blog itself, which is something I wan't to improve on this year.
❀ Host more guest bloggers! Still not really sure how this could work, but I still want to do it!
And now for my 2018 goals and resolutions!
❤ Read 18 books - I couldn't manage 15 last year, so why go for 18 this year? Well, it's 2018 that's why lol. I'm gonna give it a go, and if I only manage 10 books, that's okay.
❤ Go on a holiday / weekend trip - I don't have any plans currently for trips, but I do want to visit another country this year, or at least, spend a weekend away from London.
❤ Phase my cruelty free products into makeup - I've successfully managed to go completely cruelty free with my skincare product which I'm so happy about, and most of my makeup products are already cruelty free, but I want to stop using brands that test on animals completely.
❤ Visit Museums, watch movies at the cinema, and go to places even if no one else is with me - I tend to avoid going out on my own and because of this I missed out on a ton of cool things last year. This year I want to do all of these things, even if it means going on my own!
❤ 2 blog posts per month - The goal gets smaller each year doesn't it? Haha, I just want to post things that I actually enjoy writing about, so please look forward to those posts!
❤ 1 photo per week (52 week challenge) - I don't take enough photo's and I always regret not doing so when I look back at special memories. Not enough of my 20 years of life has been recorded, so I hope the next 20 years will be filled with images, and this is how I plan to start it.
❤ Manage my mental health - Last year made me realize that the reason why I'm unable to achieve many of my goals or not be consistent with them, is because of my mental stability being very bad. One week I can be on top of the world and the next I'm stricken with anxiety and panic attacks which stop me from doing basic tasks. I'm not too sure how I'll achieve this one, but I'm going to work towards it.
❤ Be consistent in my exercise routine - My ability to stay motivated comes from my mental health issues, so hopefully I can maintain my workout schedule when I improve my mental state. I'm currently doing stretching exercises and Pilates and I plan on taking Yoga classes too.
❤ Be consistent in learning Japanese - Again, my motivation to learn Japanese can only be improved after I improve my mental health. I'm hoping to improve my Katakana and Kanji understanding this year while revising Hiragana, and focusing on reading.
❤ Don't fall behind on University work - I tend to either do a lot of work at the beginning of the term and then slack off at the end of it, or I do nothing throughout most of the term and then stress work for the last two weeks of term LOL. I want to manage my time better and not fall into the realm of procrastination once again.
❤ Log my university experience - I made a blog for this but I pretty much abandoned it after going through a really bad month of depression. I'm hoping to make a new start on the blog and update it every few days or so. If you're interested in university life or my life as a fashion stylist, be sure to follow my blog!
❤ Be myself - While trying to "reinvent" myself last year, I feel like I tried too hard to hide a huge part of my life in order to fit in with the general crowd. What I quickly found was that I ended up missing out on a lot of events and meeting new people who like the same things as I do. I watched as a lot of people who I follow got to live their life to the fullest by doing what they loved, as I tried to hold back what I loved for the sake of fitting into a circle. And it had no benefits for me as the people who I did try to fit in with, didn't become close friends with me at all lol. This in general had a huge impact in my mental health deteriorating and my self esteem with it. This year I hope to revisit my old self, my true self, and do whatever I want without caring about whoever judges me.
That's everything! What are your goals for 2018? Let me know in the comments section below!
Also, this blogging year will be my 5th year in the blogging world, so lets make it a great one together! To all of you who have been following me since then, or to my recent followers, thank you so much! I'll try my best to provide you all with great content. Please treat me well in this 5th year!
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